Global Ageing
Protecting the human rights of older persons: Challenges to the human rights of older people during and after COVID-19

Globally, COVID-19 has led to debilitating effects and posed significant human rights challenges for older persons.

Tagged categories include: Care | Communities and Housing | Equality and Human Rights | Global Ageing | Health and Health Ageing | Quality of Life |

This think-piece looks to Hong Kong,  whose pension infrastructure is similar to the one emerging in the UK to examine the potential impact of the UK's recent pension reforms.

Tagged categories include: Global Ageing | Pensions | Work and Retirement |

Eleven of the 14 ILCs in the Global Alliance were represented at the 2013 ILC GLobal Alliance symposium held in Singapore in 2013.

Tagged categories include: Global Ageing |

This Discussion Paper collates the findings of 10 ILCs within the ILC Global Alliance on the subject of housing for older people.

Tagged categories include: Communities and Housing | Global Ageing | Longevity | Quality of Life |

This report prepared by the International Longevity Center Singapore contributes to examining the socio-economic impact of population aging; household size and living arrangements; health; and economic status.

Tagged categories include: Global Ageing | Longevity |

A background paper on innovative policy reforms to facilitate active and healthy ageing in OECD countries.

Tagged categories include: Global Ageing | Health and Health Ageing | Longevity |

The 2011 version of “A Profile of Older Japanese” produced by ILC-Japan is in its third edition.

Tagged categories include: Global Ageing | Longevity |

This new research, by David Sinclair of ILC-UK, for Age UK, considers the market potential of the older consumer and highlights how companies can make more of this population.

Tagged categories include: Future of Age | Global Ageing | Older Consumers |

The 2010 version of “A Profile of Older Japanese” produced by ILC-Japan is the second edition of this comprehensive overview of the lives of older people in Japan.

Tagged categories include: Global Ageing | Longevity |

A report summarizing an ILC-UK and Actuarial Profession joint-conference called “Choosing Population Projections for Public Policy”, that looked at the formulation of population projections and how they are used by policymakers.

Tagged categories include: Economics of Age | Future of Age | Global Ageing |

Japan is setting the pace among the ageing societies of the world. People aged 65 and over now make up over one-fifth of the Japanese population and in twenty years will account for one-third.

Tagged categories include: Global Ageing | Longevity |

An ILC-Israel executive summary of the longitudinal study on on the effects of coping patterns with deterioration in health on successful aging.

Tagged categories include: Global Ageing | Health and Health Ageing | Longevity |

Obesity is a major public health problem in the UK. This report provides a comprehensive review of innovations and problems in tackling this challenge in light of devolution.

Tagged categories include: Global Ageing | Health and Health Ageing | Nutrition and Hydration |