16th March 2011
The new UN Open Ended Working Group on Ageing that has been set up by the UN to discuss better protection of older people’s rights and its first working session will be at the UN in New York 18-21 April 2011.

The Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Ageing is a new UN working group that was established by a decision made in a resolution (http://social.un.org/ageing-working-group) at the 2010 General Assembly. The OEWG is a working group of the UN which is made up of Member States.
Its main purpose is strengthening the protection of the human rights of older people. The OEWG on Ageing will examine the existing international framework in relation to the human rights of older people and identify possible gaps and how best to address them.
The first working session will be on 18-21 April 2011 at the UN headquarters in New Yorkn and will cover:
*Existing international framework on the human rights of older persons.
*Existing regional framework or mechanism on the human rights of older persons.
*Existing gaps at the international level.
The second working session will take place on 1-5 August 2011 (agenda to be confirmed).
NGOs with ECOSOC observer status can register to attend the meetings. NGOs without ECOSOC observer status can apply for accreditation and register to attend the meetings. Please visit http://social.un.org/ageing-working-group/ngosfirstsession.shtml#accreditation for more information.
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