A video targeting a simple task which can enhance and hone fine motor skills among the senior citizens was uploaded by ILC-India for older people staying home during the lockdown. In general, such activities keep seniors active and mentally healthy.

This was the first of a planned series of videos aimed at encouraging older people to improve their physical, mental and psychological health during this critical period of Covid-19 pandemic.

Dr. Snigdha Gorana, a medical doctor has developed this video in collaboration with ILC-I. The video talks about fine motor skills, and a simple exercise which seniors should do on a daily basis so that they can keep their physical and mental health intact.

Many older people who stay at home are active, but fine motor skills also help in improving mental abilities, concentration, memory. Sitting at home, it is easy for older people to keep themselves occupied with such simple activities which include drawing, colouring or quilling.

View the video here.

Yaashodaa K. Padhye
Research Coordinator, ILC-I


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