26th May 2017
Population ageing together with globalization and urbanization characterize the major demographic upheavals of our time. A new narrative is beginning to emerge globally where older persons are viewed legitimate participants and contributors to society.

Using the narrative as a backdrop, the speakers will address the social and economic opportunities with longevity; ageism as a fundamental barrier to healthy ageing; environments such as age-friendly created to enable older people to do what they value; and the complementary roles of the United Nations and member countries and NGOs to assure “no one is left behind as the UN looks to 2030 and beyond.”
Speakers include: Greg Shaw (IFA), Ursula M. Staudinger, Ph.D. (Columbia Aging Center/ILC USA), Janet A. Sigal, Ph.D. (MGO Committee on Aging/NY), Ruth Finkelstein, Sc.D. (Columbia Aging Center/ILC USA), Rosemary Lane, M.A. (UN DESA and UN Focal Point on Ageing). The session will be moderated by Cynthia Stuen, Ph.D. (IFA).
The session will be webcast. For information, please visit: http://webtv.un.org
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