ILC- France is proud to announce the launch of CLIC PREVENTION SANTE, an online health prevention tool for  all ages  developed by ILC France  and sponsored by KLESIA  ( pension fund ).

This digital tool is designed to provide tailored lifestyle and medical advices, according to gender, age and medical profile. These personalized recommendations target diseases for which preventive measures have demonstrated benefit.

The proposed  advices are based on the most recent recommendations of health authorities or medical associations. Consultation of this site is anonymous.

CLIC PREVENTION SANTE is available on computer, tablet or smartphone.

For more information, visit or contact ILC-France.

See below for the CLIC PREVENTION SANTE flyer


Senior volunteering in the world of sport is as important for associations promoting sporting activity among younger generations as it is for seniors themselves

For years, we have shared information on Japan’s longevity society, including results of our research and events, mainly through reports and our website. To make it more flexible, accessible, and enjoyable, we have also started our blog as a new communication channel.

Despite challenging times in a long and terrible war for all involved on both sides of our borders, ILC-Israel is still active and planning a busy year of activities.