Following a meeting of its members on Thursday, 7 May 2020, the ILC Global Alliance has prepared a Position Statement on isolation and abuse of older persons during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ILC Global Alliance (ILC-GA) membership is united in their concern for the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals, families, and communities. During this crisis, people around the world have been forced to shield to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their communities. In many parts of the world older people have been told to shield or isolate, regardless of whether they have underlying health issues. Older people have been resilient and resourceful during this pandemic finding new ways to remain mentally and physically active. Many older people have embraced technology as a tool to combat loneliness and isolation. However, for others there remain significant barriers to digital communication, meaning the pandemic has resulted in a prolonged period of loneliness or isolation.

To read the full statement, please click on the below link:
ILC-GA position on isolation and abuse of older persons during the COVID-19 pandemic


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