ILC-Brazil President gives keynote at the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Foundation together with Dutch Vice-Minister of Health

Alexandre Kalache was again guest speaker at the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Foundation (Fundação FHC) in São Paulo in May. He spoke alongside the Dutch Vice-Minister of Health, Bas van den Dungen, on the subject of what lessons Brazil can derive from Dutch public policies and actions on ageing. Minister van den Dungen has served as the Dutch Vice-Minister of Health since 2014. ILC-Brazil has a close working relationship with the Dutch Consulates in both Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. The Fundação FHC is a think tank that was established in 2004 by the former President of Brazil, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, with a mandate to produce and to disseminate knowledge about the challenges of development and democracy in Brazil. Dr Kalache’s presentation can be viewed on the Facebook page of the Fundação FHC.

Posted by: Ina Voelcker, Technical Director of ILC-Brazil,

Picture: Alexandre Kalache (left)


Senior volunteering in the world of sport is as important for associations promoting sporting activity among younger generations as it is for seniors themselves

For years, we have shared information on Japan’s longevity society, including results of our research and events, mainly through reports and our website. To make it more flexible, accessible, and enjoyable, we have also started our blog as a new communication channel.

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