Dr. Kiran Rabheru of ILC Canada spoke about the threats faced by older persons during COVID-19 recovery and provided a series of recommendations to governments to combat these issues.

Dr. Kiran Rabheru, board chair of International Longevity Center Canada, spoke on behalf of the Stakeholder Group on Ageing (“SGA”) at the United Nations’ High-Level Political Forum side event titled “Vision and Priorities of Civil Society, the Private Sector and Other Major Groups and Stakeholders: Realizing the SDGs during the COVID-19 recovery” on 9th July 2021. This year, the HLPF discussed ways to ensure a sustainable and resilient recovery from COVID-19 that put us on track to realize the 2030 Agenda.

This side event was intended to serve as a platform for discussion between representatives of major stakeholder groups about strategies and efforts to increase civic participation after the pandemic. In addition to the SGA, major stakeholder groups included Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities, LGBTI Stakeholder Group, and Indigenous Peoples Major Group.

Dr. Rabheru spoke as the representative of the Stakeholder Group on Ageing and explained to the panelists that older persons are currently facing a state of “triple jeopardy” due to the combined threats of ageism, mentalism, and ableism. He argues that the rights of older persons have been violated as they have been shut out and disregarded by civil society. Dr. Rabheru brought a series of five recommendations to governments. He implored them to incorporate the perspectives of older persons into their policies, establish a more positive portrayal of older persons in general society, include civil society as a key partner in policymaking, collect and utilize data concerning older persons, and actively support a United Nations Convention on the rights of older persons. Dr. Rabheru closed by saying, “what you permit you promote”, and that these recommendations are vital to progressing from the status quo into sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

For the complete video recording of this event, please visit:

Author: Sebastian Hartley, student volunteer for the ILC Global Alliance



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