21st November 2017
The President of ILC-BR, Alexandre Kalache, is currently in Australia advancing the ageing agenda of the South Australian Government.

He delivered a public lecture to a packed audience at the University of South Australia's Hawke Centre on November 21st. His presentation called for an education revolution to better accomodate the seismic changes brought about by the Longevity Revolution and the 4th Industrial Revolution. He made a passionate appeal for a paradigm shift away from knowledge-conveying instruction to learning for personal development and the release of creative potential. He stressed the need for learning to learn and firmly establishing Life-long Learning as the organising principle for education in the 21st Century.
The podcast is available on the Hawke Centre site: http://www.unisa.edu.au/Business-community/Hawke-Centre/Events-calendar/Creating-an-Education-Revolution-that-places-life-long-Learning-at-its-core-/
In the photo from the left to the right: Jeanette Walters (Director of Inter-governmental Relations & Ageing), Hon. Zoe Bettison (SA Minister of Ageing), Alexandre Kalache and Natalie Forde (University of SA)
Volunteering by seniors in the world of sport
Senior volunteering in the world of sport is as important for associations promoting sporting activity among younger generations as it is for seniors themselves
11 October 2024
Blogger "ILC-Japan Journal" has been launched
For years, we have shared information on Japan’s longevity society, including results of our research and events, mainly through reports and our website. To make it more flexible, accessible, and enjoyable, we have also started our blog as a new communication channel.
11 October 2024
ILC-Israel announces new leadership
Despite challenging times in a long and terrible war for all involved on both sides of our borders, ILC-Israel is still active and planning a busy year of activities.
10 October 2024