ILC-UK was established in 1997, as one of the founder members of an international network on longevity. We are the UK’s leading authority on the impact of longevity on society. We combine evidence, solutions and networks to make change happen.
We help governments, policymakers, businesses and employers develop and implement solutions to ensure we all live happier, healthier and more fulfilling longer lives.
We want a society where we all live happier, healthier and more fulfilling longer lives, where tomorrow is better than today and where future generations are better off. ILC wants to help forge a new vision for the 100-year life where we all have the opportunity to learn across our lives and where new technology helps us contribute more to society.
Recent Major Activities / Programs
Longevity will change the way our society functions in the future.
We know that every girl born today will have a one in three chance of living until she’s 100.
We know that when she starts work, she will need to save at least 20% of her earnings every year in order to afford a comfortable retirement.
We know that if she wants to buy her own home, she’ll probably need to wait until she’s over 35, in a relationship and working full time.
What we don’t know is what needs to happen next.
And that is where we come in, using evidence-based research to provoke and pioneer solutions so everyone can realise the benefits of longevity.
Our researchers are drawn from academia, industry, policy and politics. They include former chief executives, academics, economists, policy advisors and speech writers.
As you’d expect, we can undertake primary or secondary research, employing qualitative and quantitative research methods. Thanks to the diverse skills of our research team, we can combine traditional and more innovative and experimental research approaches.
Past major activities / programs
The list of the ILC-UK published reports is available here.
The list of the events organised by the ILC-UK is available here.
Key Staff
Chief Executive: David Sinclair
The full list of the ILC-UK staff is available here.
Contact information
The Foundry, 17 Oval Way, SE11 5RR
Tel: +44-20-3242-0530
E-mail: international@ilcuk.org.uk
Website: www.ilcuk.org.uk
ILC UK Biennial Report for ILC GA 2019 (PDF)
ILC-UK Activity Report - 2016-2017 (PDF)
ILC-UK Activity Report 2015 (PDF)
ILC-UK Activity Report - 2013-14 (PDF)
ILC-UK Activity report 2012-13 (PDF)
ILC-UK Publicity March 2012 - April 2013 (PDF)
ILC-UK Events March 2012 - April 2013 (PDF)
ILC- UK Activities Report 2010-2011 (PDF)
ILC-UK Activity Report 2009-2010 (PDF)
ILC- UK Activities Report 2009-2010 (PDF)
Boosting Retirement Saving Across Europe (PDF)
Narrowing World Health report (PDF)
Life Course Vaccination. Impact of Life Course Vaccination on an Ageing Population (PDF)
The European Dementia Research Agenda (PDF)
The Golden Economy (PDF)
Caring in the Older Population (PDF)
Weathering the downtown: What is the Future for Lifetime Neighbourhoods? (PDF)
Recent Progress & Innovation in Dementia Diagnosis, Treatment and Care (PDF)
National Care Fund Working Groups Report (PDF)
Choosing Population Projections for Public Policy (PDF)
Pension Reform and Personal Accounts after the Credit Crunch (PDF)
Time to Annuitise (PDF)
Report from the Ministerial Summit on Dementia Research (PDF) (PDF)
Decumulation of Assets: The Impact of the Economic Downturn (PDF)
Obesity in the UK: a Review and Comparative Analysis of Policies within the Devolved Regions (PDF)
Sustainable Planning for Housing in an Ageing Population (PDF)
A National Care Fund for Long-term Care (PDF)
Obesity and Public Health Policy: Lessons from Tobacco Council (PDF)
The Age of Inheritance (PDF)
Navigating the Age of Inheritance (PDF)
A Life Course Approach to Tackling Obesity (PDF) (PDF)
Towards Lifetime Neighbourhoods: Designing Sustainable Communities for All (PDF)
Older People and Functional Foods (PDF)
Asset Accumulation in Focus (PDF) (PDF)
Problem shared report (PDF)