The mission of ILC France is to support the longevity revolution and demographic aging in health and activity.
- Influence public and private decisions makers in favor of a coherent age management.
- Promote health through prevention at all ages, and encourage an active ageing.
- Encourage ongoing analysis of the opportunities offered by the increasing life expectancy.
- Disseminate information to the general public.
Actions and research projects
- Meetings and organization of the CESE (Conseil économique, social et environnemental) Longevity meetings since 2022.
- Validation of a self-assessment procedure for identifying frailty in retirees aged 70 and over (2023).
- Financing dependency and the fifth Social Security branch (2021).
- Care giving: positive aspects of the helping relationship in partnership with ILC Canada (2021).
- Social exclusion: the French situation at the request of ILC Japan (2020).
- “Clic prévention santé” (2018) (numeric prevention tool).
- Participation in the Berliner Demografie Forum (2016, 2017 and 2018).
- Coordination of the Silver Think Tank “Ageing Well in Paris” (2016).
- Parliamentary group on longevity at the French National Assembly (2006 to 2016).
- ILC France collaboration with the TDTE (Demographic Transition-Economic Transition chair) the Haut Conseil de l’Age (High Age Council).
In progress:
- Survey on the vaccination practices of people over 65 in ILC Global Alliance countries.
- Nudge and prevention: how to encourage retirees to adopt virtuous behaviors and adhere to prevention proposals.
Association governed by the law of 1901.
Member of the 16-country ILC Global Alliance, with NGO status.
Key Staff
Jean-Pierre Wiedmer, Chairman
Pr Françoise Forette, Founder and President of the Strategic and Scientific Advisory Board
+33 (0)6 03 15 95 58
Dr Jean-Pierre Aquino, Director
+ 33 (0)6 80 47 74 79
Multidisciplinary team of experts
Dr Marie-Anne Brieu, Dr Didier Halimi, Dr Charles Lambert, Dr Jean-Claude Salord and François-Xavier Albouy (economist).
Mélissa Houbart
+33 (0)6 19 38 74 86
Contact information
11 rue Jean Mermoz, 75008 Paris, France
Email: contact@ilcfrance.org
Website: http://www.ilcfrance.org
ILC France Biennial Report for ILC GA 2019 (PDF)
ILC France activity report 2017 -2019 (PDF)
ILC-France activity report 2016-2017 (PDF)
ILC-France Activity Report 2015 (PDF)
ILC France 2012 Activity Report (PDF)
ILC FR Activity Report 2010-2011 (PDF)
Life Course Vaccination. Impact of Life Course Vaccination on an Ageing Population (PDF)
Living Longer, Working Longer: A French Challenge (PDF)
The Major Causes of Functional Dependency (PDF)
Pourquoi il faut instaurer une assurance dépendance publique obligatoire? (PDF)
Persistence in inequalities of frailty at older age: a comparison of 9 EU countries (in French) (PDF)
“Aging well in Paris”. The Silver Think Tank (in French) (PDF)
Historical Perspective on Pension Systems around the World: France (PDF)
La santé des seniors en emploi 2015 (PDF)
Older age at retirement is associated with decreased risk of dementia (PDF)
Evaluation of an health promotion programme in the workplace 2014 (PDF)
The French Carte Vitale (PDF)