The International Longevity Centre Australia (ILC-A) will identify and promote research and policy initiatives that advocate for the wellbeing of older people and bring issues of ageing into wider public debates. The ILC-A will have a broad remit, covering contemporary issues of concern for ageing societies.
The ILC-A will act as a forum for knowledge transfer and debate, and as a bridge between a diverse series of interests promoting an evidence base and informed policy on societal ageing issues. It will have an international focus, bringing new ideas into Australia, extending and sharing databases, and sharing innovation arising from the region to a wider audience.
The aim of the ILC-A is to foster long-term, independent activities in the following priority areas relevant to population ageing:
Policy Analysis: examining and contributing to the development of policy in Australian nations as it affects older people, drawing in experience from the international community and disseminating innovative directions arising from the Australian context.
Collaborative Research: acting as champions for essential research on ageing and age-related issues, identifying areas that are underdeveloped, and seeking international collaboration and comparative study.
Knowledge translation: seeking pathways to translate relevant research knowledge into policy and practice.
Identification and dissemination of evidence-based practice: acting to identify innovative practice that promotes the contribution and social engagement of older adults and outlines potential new roles for a long life. The ILC-A will draw on international examples that can be generalised to local contexts and promote innovative local schemes that might be of use to other national contexts.
Advocacy support and influence: serving an advocacy support role, through providing an evidence-base on international best practice on issues affecting policy and practice, to support the best interests of older people. We will utilise media and government agencies as appropriate.
Key Staff
Professor Julie Byles
Director of the Research Centre for Gender, Health and Ageing
Renu Borst
CEO Australian Association Gerontology
Contact information
Professor Julie Byles
Research Centre for Gender, Health and Ageing
University of Newcastle
University Drive, Callaghan,
NSW, 2308,
Phone: +61 2 4042 0668
Email: Julie.byles@newcastle.edu.au
Renu Borst
Australian Association Gerontology
57 Trevelyan Street,
Elsternwick VIC 3185
Phone: +61 3 9939 8512
Email: rborst@aag.asn.au
ILC Australia Biennial Report for ILC GA 2019 (PDF)
ILC-Australia Activity Report 2015 (PDF)