
As advances in medicine, and improvements in living standards have taken place, more people have been able to live for longer.
Also known as ‘life expectancy’, longevity can vary greatly across different regions. However, a general increase of long life is happening world wide, and the United Nations has estimated that by 2050, one-third of the populations of developed regions and one-fifth of the population in less-developed regions will be aged 60 and over.
Event summary – Healthy ageing and longevity in Europe: How do we prepare for the 100-year life?
In partnership with ILC-UK, the ILC Europe Network hosted its inaugural conference in Brussels on 6 March 2024 to explore the challenges and opportunities associated with an ageing European society. Other ILC Global Alliance members in attendance included ILC-Czech Republic, ILC-France and ILC-Netherlands.
March 2024
Silver Empowerment: a book on empowerment of elderly people
See ageing as a source of power instead of as a sign of decline and vulnerability, is the message of the newly published book “Silver Empowerment”, in which scientists from various disciplines discuss ways of improving self-reliance of elderly people. Promoting an age-friendly society is the main topic.
21 Abril 2023
ILCs reunited at the IFA’s 16th Global Conference on Ageing in Bangkok
Members of the ILC Global Alliance got together at the IFA’s 16th Global Conference on Ageing in Bangkok, Thailand, last June. Representatives of ILCs from Canada, Singapore, United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as ILC GA Secretariat Silvia Perel-Levin, attended the conference.
June 2023
Dr. Linda P. Fried, the Director of the Robert N. Butler Columbia Aging Center and the Dean of the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University, delivered an Expert Reflection at the event titled "The UN Decade of Healthy Ageing: Health for All by Adding Life to Years." She spoke in her capacity as the Co-chair of the US National Academy of Medicine’s Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity Commission.
May 2023
Healthy Ageing at very old ages
Professor Julie Byles, Head of ILC-Australia presents on ‘Healthy Ageing at very old ages – perspectives of women from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health, at the 53rd Annual Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG) Conference in 2020.
29th January 2021
Over 700 people participated in the 1st Regional Forum on Active and Sustainable Ageing of the Médio Vale do Itajaí in the southern State of Santa Catarina. The keynote on “Active Ageing and the Longevity Revolution” was delivered by Alexandre Kalache.
21st June 2018
What comes to your mind when you think of “ageing”?
ILC-BR Technical Director Ina Voelcker spoke about longevity and population ageing in an event aimed at inspiring 700 employees of the Brazilian Federal savings bank Caixa Econômica.
21st April 2018
Rosy Pereyra, President ILC-Dominican Republic awarded with Medal of Merit
On International Women's Day, Rosy Pereyra, President of ILC-Dominican Republic was awarded with the Medal of Merit, the highest honour that the Dominican Government gives to women.
12th March 2018
International Symposium in Sao Paulo to share innovations from Australia and the Netherlands
On October 17, ILC-BR organized a Symposium with three international speakers in São Paulo. The event took place in the auditorium of Iamspe (Institute for Medical Assistance to the Public Servant of the State of São Paulo).
21st October 2017
ILC-BR holds its 5th International Longevity Forum
On October 19 and 20, ILC-BR hosted the 5th International Longevity Forum in Rio de Janeiro. This year’s theme was the construction of resilience along the life course; a very timely topic given the ongoing crisis in Brazil.
21st October 2017
The importance of immunization along the life course
On October 5, ILC-BR organized a seminar to discuss the importance of vaccination across all ages. The seminar was held at Iamspe, the Institute for Medical Assistance for Public Servants of the State of Sao Paulo.
7th October 2017
The Baroness Greengross Annual Lecture – London
The inaugural Baroness Greengross Lecture was held in London on 23 November in celebration of the major contributions Sally Greengross has made to improve the lives of older people throughout her lifetime. A spirited and lively informal lecture was delivered by writer, journalist and television presenter, Angela Rippon OBE.
20th January 2017
Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals discussed in Civil Society Meeting in Brasília
Civicus and IDS (Instituto de Democracia e Sustentabilidade), with support of IABS (Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade) brought together about 20 representatives of Brazilian CSOs.
16th December 2016
The November issue of the UN Special magazine is dedicated to older persons.
Our representative in Geneva wrote an article about the importance of combatting ageism and describes the work of the NGO Committee on Ageing in Geneva.
1st December 2016
Launch of a new PhD program “Longevity Studies“
The Faculty of Humanities of Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic is delighted to launch a new postgraduate program called “Longevity studies”.
26th August 2016
The ILC Global Alliance in Brazil
Last week, members of the ILC Global Alliance participated in a series of events organized by the International Longevity Centre – Brazil.
28th October 2015
Bradesco Seguros Longevity Awards 2013
For the third consecutive year, one of Brazil's largest financial services companies, Bradesco Seguros (BS) granted on October 15 2013 in Sao Paulo two national awards for excellence – one in journalism and one for outstanding life stories of older persons.
4th November 2013
Anniversary of ILC Global Alliance Founder’s death
Today marks a year since the death of Dr Robert Butler, champion of social and medical needs for older people, Pulitzer prize winner and President of the International Longevity Centre Global Alliance.
4th July 2011
The ILC Global Alliance attended the first session of the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on strengthening the protection of the human rights of older persons at the United Nations in New York from 18 to 21 April 2011.
21st April 2011
Global Aging Report: Threats to Longevity
In a new publication, Global Aging Report: Threats to Longevity, the ILC Global Alliance outlines the urgent need for the global community to work together to combat the increasing threats to longevity around the world.
16th March 2009
This Discussion Paper collates the findings of 10 ILCs within the ILC Global Alliance on the subject of housing for older people.
This report prepared by the International Longevity Center Singapore contributes to examining the socio-economic impact of population aging; household size and living arrangements; health; and economic status.
ILC-Japan published this report as a tribute to Dr. Robert Butler, the father of gerontology and the founder of ILC Global Alliance.
A background paper on innovative policy reforms to facilitate active and healthy ageing in OECD countries.
A report from a dinner debate with the International Longevity Centre Global Alliance, Cape Town
The 2011 version of “A Profile of Older Japanese” produced by ILC-Japan is in its third edition.
The 2010 version of “A Profile of Older Japanese” produced by ILC-Japan is the second edition of this comprehensive overview of the lives of older people in Japan.
ILC-Japan has published the English version of “Global Information Journal on Longevity and Society 2009”.
The International Handbook on Aging. Current research and developments.
Older Europeans are not well vaccinated and therefore not well protected against vaccine preventable diseases. Identifying and developing strategies for overcoming barriers to vaccination is therefore an important health policy goal for Europe.
Japan is setting the pace among the ageing societies of the world. People aged 65 and over now make up over one-fifth of the Japanese population and in twenty years will account for one-third.
In a new publication, Global Aging Report: Threats to Longevity, the ILC Global Alliance outlines the urgent need for the global community to work together to combat the increasing threats to longevity around the world.
The books examine positive aspects of and successful adaptations to aging and focus on challenges and concerns for families, policy makers, and governments in caregiving and end-of-life issues.
An ILC-Israel executive summary of the longitudinal study on on the effects of coping patterns with deterioration in health on successful aging.
ILC-India launch new book on Ageing and Spirituality
ILC-Japan has published the English version of “Global Information Journal on Longevity and Society 2008”.
Françoise Forette, CEO of ILC-France, explores the concept of functional dependency and its link with the increase of longevity.
the international Longevity Centre- India has come out with this book to understand this global phenomenon of 'ageing' and its implications in the right spirit and perspective.
The Age of Inheritance explores patterns of inheritance transfers in the UK over time.
An English edition of a quarterly information journal focusing on longevity society in the world, first published by ILC-Japan in July 2006.
We are all programmed to age and die, but maybe it doesn’t have to be that way.
The mistaken belief persists that, except for the flu vaccine, children should be the primary recipients of this important area of primary disease prevention.