Date: Saturday, 17 December 2022
Time: 11.00 am to 11.30 am (IST)
Venue: Online
Watch hereTo honour the struggles of his late mother, Smt. Anjani Mashelkar, Padma Vibhushan Dr. R A Mashelkar has instituted the award "Anjani Mashelkar Inspiration Award" (AMIA) in her memory.
This award is given annually as an ode to the inspiring life and work of an elderly and unsung Indian woman over the age of 60. The second Anjani Mashelkar Inspiration Award 2022 was awarded online to Dr. Keerthi Bollineni, President of Vasavya Mahila Mandal, Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh, India for her incredible work in the domain of woman empowerment, gender equality, skill development and creating social impact through various humanitarian activities.
This is a national award of Rs. 100,000/- which carries a plaque and a citation.
The award is given under the aegis of International Longevity Centre – India (ILC-I) in partnership with Anjani Mashelkar Foundation.
On Saturday 17th December 2022, through YouTube live streaming, this programme was conducted online. Shri Jayant Umranikar, Chairman of ILC-I set the context of the event, followed by declaration of the winner and reading out the citation by Anjali Raje, Executive Director of ILC-I. The winner of AMIA 2022 Dr. Keerthi Bollineni expressed her feelings and shared her story with all of us. Padma Vibhushan Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, President of ILC-I, congratulated the winner and concluded the programme by his impeccable speech. Ms. Yaashodaa K. Padhye, Research and Development Coordinator, ILC-I did an anchoring of the event.
Contact ILC-India
Website: www.ilcindia.in
E-mail: longevetic@gmail.com