November 2022
From 2018, ILC-India started conducting this programme called “Physiotherapy Assessment Camps” in different parts of Pune city in collaboration with DES Brijlal Jindal College of Physiotherapy. Till date, around 1000 seniors have been covered under this programme, including follow-up visits.
From 2018, ILC-India started conducting this programme called “Physiotherapy Assessment Camps” in different parts of Pune city in collaboration with DES Brijlal Jindal College of Physiotherapy. Till date, around 1000 seniors have been covered under this programme, including follow-up visits. New MoU has been signed with Physiotherapy College, Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj, Nashik.
This programme is aimed at primary care where this free-physiotherapy assessment addresses issues like knee pain, arthritis, and back pain. This is done by the Physiotherapists and the seniors are given customized home-based exercises after their individual due examination which would help relieve them from pain. Also, if a major issue comes up that the doctors feel needs further investigation, then the senior citizen is referred to a tertiary care facility. After the first camp, a follow-up camp is organized a month after where the participants report if the given exercises were appropriate or need any modifications under the guidance of the doctor.
In the year 2021-22, a series of camps were arranged in many parts of Pune city as well as in Nashik, where seniors participated in huge numbers and gave us wonderful feedback.
ILC-India with the help of the collaborators would be working on the data gathered from these camps soon.
This programme is supported by Gharda Chemicals Ltd. Under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Contact ILC-India
Website: www.ilcindia.in
E-mail: longevetic@gmail.com
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