For the third consecutive year, one of  Brazil's largest financial services  companies, Bradesco Seguros (BS)  granted on October 15 2013 in Sao Paulo two national awards for excellence – one in journalism and one for outstanding life stories of older persons.

The Bradesco Seguros Longevity Award Programme was conceived by the President of ILC-Brazil, Dr Alexandre Kalache, to draw attention to the social capital of an ageing society.  Around 400 entries were assessed by the selection jury under Dr Kalache’s chairmanship.

The Longevity Award for Journalism highlights the importance of the media in shaping public opinion and in disseminating accurate knowledge on ageing-related matters.  Prizes are awarded for material published in the previous year in two categories: print media (newspapers and magazines) and electronic media (television, radio and web).  The Longevity Award for Life Histories is open to anyone 18 years and older who portrays the life story of an older person, depicting a positive image of aging.



Senior volunteering in the world of sport is as important for associations promoting sporting activity among younger generations as it is for seniors themselves

For years, we have shared information on Japan’s longevity society, including results of our research and events, mainly through reports and our website. To make it more flexible, accessible, and enjoyable, we have also started our blog as a new communication channel.

Despite challenging times in a long and terrible war for all involved on both sides of our borders, ILC-Israel is still active and planning a busy year of activities.