16 and 17 October 2023
On 16 and 17 October 2023, the ILC Global Alliance held a meeting in Tokyo, Japan, co-chaired by Julie Byles and Margaret Gilles. The attendees included representatives from ILCs in Australia, Canada, Singapore, South Africa, the UK, and the USA as well as the Secretariat.
The co-chairs organized the meeting, recognizing that several ILC Directors were visiting Tokyo after their participation in the International Convention: Independent Ageing 2023, which was held in Aichi, Japan, from 13 to 15 October. The attendees included representatives from ILCs in Australia, Canada, Singapore, South Africa, the UK, and the USA as well as the Secretariat.
The meeting featured a presentation by Prof. Tetsuo Tsuji, President of ILC Japan, who previously served as the vice minister at the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare. His talk focused on the analysis of Japanese medical and long-term care policies in the context of rapid population ageing in society.
Additionally, Dr. Claudia Mahler, Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, and Ms. Silvia Perel-Levin, a representative of the NGO committee on Ageing (Geneva), shared their views in the section titled “Toward the UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons.” Lively discussions followed on this timely topic.
Taking advantage of the opportunity for an in-person exchange of opinions, the session also included discussions of the ILC GA’s strategic plans and committee activities.
In addition to those present at the meeting, representatives from ILCs in India, Brazil, and the UK joined a portion of the meeting via Zoom.
The co-chairs closed the meeting, thanking the participants for stimulating discussion and ILC Japan for facilitating the event.
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Blogger "ILC-Japan Journal" has been launched
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