To translate interdisciplinary scientific knowledge on the aging process and its implications for societies into sustainable policy-focused practice to maximize productivity, quality of life, and health across the life course.
Major Funding Sources
Atlantic Philanthropies
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
MacArthur Foundation
Robert N. Butler Endowment
Recent Major Activities / Programs
- Age Boom Academy to promote stimulating, responsible, imaginative reporting on aging. Founded by Jack Rosenthal (formerly, New York Times Foundation) and Robert N. Butler, MD.
- Age Smart Employer Awards program, an initiative to reward New York City employers who recognize the value of older workers in a multi-generational workplace. Jointly with Age Friendly New York City, the New York Academy of Medicine, and funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
- World Cities Project, expanded to include Hong Kong in addition to Paris, London, New York, and Tokyo.
- Symposium on “Healthy Aging Policies in Emerging Economies” that involves a review of policies in Brazil, China, India, South Africa and Brazil being organized based on paper prepared in collaboration with ILC partners, with support from Pfizer. We look forward to inputs from ILC, India and other participants at the IFA symposium so that we can collaboratively plan a second phase of this project.
- MacArthur Foundation Research Network on an Aging Society founded to conduct society-wide analysis of the modifications required in our major institutions to facilitate emergence of a productive, equitable aging society in the U.S. Chaired by Dr. Jack Rowe, the Network focuses on interdisciplinary work on three themes including engagement and productivity for the elderly in the workforce and the community, intergenerational issues, and issues re disparities and inequalities.
- Age Friendly New York City continues to be supported by Dr. Linda Fried who serves on the Commission for an Age Friendly NYC and chairs its working group on Age Friendly Schools, Colleges, and Universities and by Dr. Ursula Staudinger who serves on the Age Smart Employer selection committee. With the addition of Dr. Ruth Finkelstein, who directed Age Friendly NYC to the ILC staff, further collaboration is anticipated.
Key Staff
In the process of being updated.
Contact information
Columbia Aging Center
Mailcode: MSPH 25
722 West 168th Street
New York, NY 10032
Website – http://aging.columbia.edu/
ILC-USA Activity Report 2015 (PDF)
ILC-USA Activity 2013 (PDF)
ILC-USA Activity Report 2010-2011 (PDF)
ILC-USA Activity Report 2009-2010 (PDF)
ILC-USA 2007 Annual Report: Who Cares? (PDF)
More Years, More Life (PDF)
Life Course Vaccination. Impact of Life Course Vaccination on an Ageing Population (PDF)
Age Smart Employer: Compendium of Policies and Practices (The New York Academy of Medicine) (PDF)
Media Takes: On Aging (PDF)
Transitions in Independent Living Communities: Life Satisfaction and Later Life Happiness (PDF)
The Future of Living: Independently (PDF)
Immunizations - Not Just for Kids (PDF)
Intimation of Immortality: The Ethics and Justice of Life Extending Therapies (PDF)
Developing National In-Home Caregiver Training Standards (PDF)